Solving your mining problems through simulation

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Simulation Services

Simulation is a powerful modeling tool that can be used to help reduce mine development and operating costs and saves time by optimizing the design of production facilities and the selection of production equipment. Haulage and hoisting systems are typically capital investments, which have a large impact on every mine´s productivity, operating cost and competitiveness.


Equipment operating characteristics

Such as loading and dumping times, traveling speeds, capacities, treatment rate etc, and variations for different types of materials handled.

Equipment maintenance parameters

Including both planned maintenance and random breakdowns as well as the existence and capacity of surge bins and stockpiles.

Interference between vehicles

Including the capacity and spacing of passing areas for trucks or trains etc.

Characteristics of rock to be handled

Such as patterns of “availability” of different rock types, “digability”, drawpoint hangup characteristics etc.

mining optimisation simmine

Development Strategies

Mine developments are capital investments, which need to be completed on time within budget.

Identifying bottlenecks

Including the effects of purchasing/hiring additional equipment.

Development delays due to equipment downtime

As well as the effects of maintenance improvements.

Evaluate shift schedules

Evaluate best shift schedules to meet development rate demands.

Identifying critical paths

Identifying critical paths and critical start date in development projects.

development strategies simmine

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